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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are investigating the program or are maybe forgot some things from the parent meeting, here are some answers to some of the questions that you might have. If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact our coaches with any questions.


How can I join the Hart Golf Team?

First, we recommend talking to the coaches as soon as possible so we can get to know you and better prepare you for the upcoming season. Second, take a look at our tryout information so you know what to expect when we hold tryouts.


How many people are typically on the Golf Team?

We like to have around 16 players so everyone can compete, practice, and participate. 


How do you decide what players are on Varsity and Junior Varsity?

We keep your differential score, also known as a handicap, from our ranking and competitive rounds of golf. These scores provide us with the information we need to select the top 6 golfers for Varsity. That being said, players can move up and down from JV and Varsity (except seniors which must compete on Varsity). We often practice together and players are given the opportunity to show their improvements throughout the season. 


Where do you play?

Junior Varsity players play their league matches at Woodley Lakes, Hansen Dam, and Elkins Ranch. We play many other courses as well depending on the other teams we play during the season and what their home courses are. We aim to play at par 72 courses and play from the blue tees. 


Varsity players compete at Valencia Country Club, Sand Canyon Country Club, The Oaks Country Club (Formerly TPC Valencia) for league matches and many others depending on scheduling with other teams and tournaments. Varsity plays from the back tees, whichever color those might be. Varsity does more traveling than JV and will play at some of the nicest courses in Southern California. 


Is equipment provided?

Equipment is not provided by the school and is the responsibility of the player. 


How do players get to the matches/practice?

For practice and matches that are in the Santa Clarita Valley players need to have their own ride. If the match is outside of the Santa Clarita Valley then the coaches will drive the players to the match. 


Can parents watch the players on the course?

Yes, but there might be a spectator fee from the golf course to cover insurance while you are walking around or renting a cart. Parents are not allowed to coach their kids during a match or else the player can get disqualified so we ask to keep a safe distance. We always love it if parents can take some pictures of players while they are on the course. 


What is the best thing to do to get ready before the season starts?

Participate in the off-season program, play tournaments, and work with a swing coach. Of course, we recommend that you are practicing and playing as much as possible but the three things listed above will have a huge impact on your game. 


How can I help support the program?

We try to provide lunches on match days to make sure everyone is well fed, we always welcome sponsors which really help offset the costs of running our program and encouraging your athletes is always a huge help. We want to help you organize the best experience for your child and want everyone to be including in the Hart Golf family. We are always looking for help so please contact our coaches with ideas or opportunities to improve the program


What should a JV and Varisty player typically shoot on the Boys Team at a Par 72 Course?

To be a four year athlete in our program we would like to see the following scores:

1st year: 90 and above (Junior Varsity)

2nd year: 80-90(Junior Varsity)

3rd year: 75-85 (Varsity)

4th year: 70-80 (Varsity)


What should a JV and Varisty player typically shoot on the Girls Team at Chica?

JV Girls shoot 36 or higher and Varsity shoots 35 or under. 


How long are matches?

Boys - Golfers play 18-holes and we try to keep a pace of 4 hours and 15 minutes. During a league match there will be 9 foursomes teeing off and matches last around 5 hours and 30 minutes plus travel time. 


Girls - Golfers play 9-holes and Varsity plays at a pace of about 2 hours and 15 minutes. junior Varsity plays their league matches at Chica and matches typically last around 2 hours. 


Do you have a spirit pack?

Yes, in the spirit pack typically includes two shirts, a jacket, headwear, balls, and helps cover the costs of playing. 


Is there a dress code for practice and matches?

Golf is a little different than most other school sports because we are competing at a course that has allowed us to use their facilities whether we are a guest or paying customer. Courses require that golfers wear acceptable attire and we expect each athlete to represent Hart Golf with dignity and respect for the game. All players need to be dressed in proper golf attire for practice and matches. You are welcome to bring clothes to change in to at the course or change before you arrive. 


How can I become a better golfer?

Take a look at this page where we highlight ways to improve your game. We want you to be the best you can be and these methods of preparing yourself are tried and true. 


Is it fun?

Absolutely, we try to promote a fun environment where you will improve your game and love it at the same time. Ask some of our current players about their experience for the best answer, but we want you to love this game for the rest of your life and build skills needed to be successful while in our program. 


Do you miss school?

You will miss some school on match days depending on your schedule and what kind of travel is needed for that match. We believe that you are supposed to be a Student Athlete and that means Student comes first. If you are struggling in school work out a schedule with our coaches so you can get the help you need. That being said, we want you to be well rounded and learn how to properly manage your time so that you can play in the matches and not let your teammates down. Both of our coaches are on campus and will keep and eye out for you and want to help support our students as much as possible. 

Hart High School Golf Program


24825 North Newhall Ave, Santa Clarita, CA 91355

(661) 259-7575

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